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Your Research and
Development Partner

From idea – development – production – problem solving through the process
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What we do

Founded in 1986, Teparay Precision Sheet Metal Ltd (TPSM) remains a family owned and run enterprise. The Company has grown significantly over the years and now occupies 80,000 sq. ft. of factory and warehouse space in Hainault, Essex, ideally located for London and the M25.

TPSM is an ideas driven business, helping our clients find solutions to tricky mechanical and electrical design and manufacturing problems. As a progressive subcontractor our in-house capability as part job shop, part contract manufacturer means we are able to put our ideas and problem solving into practice by producing the solution.

Our Research and Development department uses Solid Works to minimise the time required for design and prototyping. 3D models can be drawn, interrogated and amended until concepts are proven and we are ready for manufacture, saving time and money.

Our factory offers the latest in laser, turret and brake presses and the ability to produce fine limit turned and machined parts. We offer a full in-house prototype capability to be able to produce a customer specific solution that may well also use plastics and composite.

TPSM is your fully resourced, one stop shop.

Our industry sectors




Cash Security




At TPSM we work across a broad spectrum of industries and technologies and have experience in pretty much all Mechanical and Electrical disciplines.

Markets covered include Transport and Security including car park ticketing, entry systems and electric car charging.

Commercial refrigeration and other catering cabinets to maximise efficiency of materials in manufacture and products in use.

Many variations of cabinets and enclosures for Tool Storage, Vending and Gaming, Telecommunications, Data and Server banks and the like.

Multiple Construction applications in the mainstream and for acoustic enclosures, generators and compressors and other point of use tools and equipment.

Who we are.

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Ready to get started?

Looking for ideas to solve a problem? Call us today or complete the enquiry form and we’ll be delighted to help


+44 (0)20 8501 1222

+44 (0)20 8501 1888

Teparay Precision Sheet Metal Limited
1-5 Fowler Road
Hainault Business Park
Essex IG6 3UT
United Kingdom