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Innovative Engineered Solutions

Design, Prototype, manufacture and proven delivery performance
across a range of cash handling and associated security markets.
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Consultancy and Project Management

Solutions start as ideas. Cash Dynamics is a business driven by ideas Our conceptual design team has over thirty years’ working experience of the cash handling industry, supported by a prototype and manufacturing resource and know-how to deliver from concept to prototype and on from production to solution. This enables us to ‘think outside of the box’ which can be very difficult from within a client organisation wrestling with the specifics of a singular performance issue. At Cash Dynamics we understand this wider perspective, it’s what we do.

Added Value

One of our specialties is to re-configure existing solutions in order to increase their processing capabilities, optimise efficiencies and meet the latest ergonomic requirements to add real value to your original investment. Quite often the best solution can be the simplest solution, sometimes the answer is to design a standalone solution that dovetails into existing processes and procedures, the key is understanding the problem and adding value. At Cash Dynamics we are committed that the agreed solution will be cost-effective and deliver a return on investment.


Some projects are all new and standalone but most solutions involve integration into an existing device or way of doing things. Innovation is key but as important is the process of evaluation of the candidate ideas. Costs must be considered at an earlier stage because if the sums don’t add up it’s time to think again. Assuming all’s well and funding obtained, prototyping is critical to avoid costly manufacturing mistakes. Patents and trademarks need careful consideration before finally into production and to market. Efficiency and project management is key throughout to avoid waste.


Cash Dynamics is collocated alongside our sister company TPSM, in an 80,000 sq. ft. factory and warehouse space in Hainault, Essex, ideally located for London and the M25. Our Research and Development department uses Solid Works to minimise the time required for design and prototyping. 3D models can be drawn, interrogated and amended until concepts are proven and we are ready for manufacture, saving time and money. Our factory offers the latest in laser, turret and brake presses and the ability to produce fine limit turned and machined parts. We offer a full in-house prototype capability to be able to produce a customer specific solution that may well also use plastics and composite.


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Electronic Technology

Today it is often said without the technology there is no solution. Whilst this is not always the case, undoubtedly the robustness of the electronics can often be the key to the success of the greatest mechanical design. Robustness is key alongside innovation and at Cash Dynamics we are at the forefront of the electronics that makes things work. Components are specified and sourced for their performance under working conditions not for the cheapest price and where applicable connectivity to remote networks can be integrated as part of the process.

Ready to get started?

Looking for ideas to solve a problem? Call us today or complete the enquiry form and we’ll be delighted to help

+44 (0)20 8500 1755


+44 (0)20 8501 1888

Cash Dynamics Limited 1-5 Fowler Road Hainault Business Park Hainault Essex IG6 3UT United Kingdom




Cash Dynamics Ltd
1-5 Fowler Road, Hainault Business Park,
Hainault, Essex IG6 3UT


Registered in England and Wales No. 06831813 VAT Registration No.:XXXXXXXX
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